The Rose Garden

A fellow Rose Garden Veteran, Mike Koehnen from Jamestown, ND, was assigned to VMFA-115 (F-4s). He wants to start a Web group for veterans and supporters that participated in Operation Linebacker from 1972-73 that were stationed at Nam Phong, Thailand, aka The Rose Garden.

Here are his plans for the Nam Phong, Thailand, Web Page and group. Mike is in the process of developing a Web Site dedicated to the Rose Garden. He wants to get emails out to the veterans' community announcing the group and invite them to the Web Page. Please help us in spreading this message to veterans across the country and the world.

Once there is a decent sized user base, Mike wants to add unit pages, with photo albums and possibly personal pages with maybe a before and after photo, a short bio, and contact information. Mike said he has never done one before, and his Site is under construction. He is looking for some feedback.

Michael Koehnen can be reached at [email protected] and the Web Site is:

I was with VMGR-152, a C-130 squadron, 1st MAW during Linebacker I & II, and built a very unofficial Web Site which is funded by the Massachusetts Foundation for the Advancement of Vietnam Veterans, Inc. I wanted to start searching for people assigned to my squadron and let other veterans know what we are trying to do. The Web Site for VMGR-152 is:

The Rose Garden

I have a link to the main Nam Phong Web Site.

Any help in this endeavor would be greatly appreciated.

Bob Pizzano USMC Ret.
Editor-in-Chief, Bay State Vietnam Veteran
VVA Massachusetts State Council
E-mail contact: [email protected]

Compiled by Bob Pizzano, 2001, All Rights Reserved
